by | Apr 23, 2024 | Reflections, Uncategorized

The team have come together to discuss how the project and resources will inform the work that we are already doing through our project ‘For The Love Of Stuff’. We are planning to use the AOC resources to help us develop more participation and audience interaction in the development of a performance aimed at schools and rural audiences. The performance piece is a smaller scale version of our existing production. We have come up with ideas for workshops which we will try out with the Ascension Youth groups during our R&D process. Our workshops with Ascension will be an exchange of ideas so that working with the young people will inform the direction of the show and narrative. We have focussed on globalisation within our first workshop plan, exploring where our clothes and fashion items come from and how we might find different ways to express our style without damaging the planet. We plan to encourage participants to write playful lyrics that fit with our existing opening track and develop their own ‘Plastic Fantastic’ characters like the ones in the story. The second workshop will focus on connection to land and place, relating it to land stories and the ‘growth’ section in our show, which is about rebuilding a world and future that serves humanity and the planet better through our connection to nature and spaces that we care about.


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